Geology of Australia

Tutor/Leader: Marlene Cann
Speaker: Peter Coates
Sunbury Football Social Club,
Behind Clarke Oval, Riddell Road, Sunbury
Thursday 14 Nov 2024
10:00 am – 11:45 AM

Today our speaker will be Peter Coates.
With a vast array of knowledge on many subjects, Peter has been a Guest Speaker on several occasions.

The talk will look at at a few specific aspects of the geology of Australia. How was Australia formed, why is it said that Australia is the oldest continent, where does our coal come from and how come we have opals? The presentation will be an easy to understand overview of the processes that answer these questions.

Whilst the talk will be fully self contained, it will also act as a pre-curser to a course due to start in 2025, simply called Geology, for those with a greater interest in the subject. Note the course will also include field trips where we visit sites of geological interest and importance.

For those members who have not yet had the pleasure of attending Peter’s courses, he is a much followed and respected tutor. He makes his classes fun and has a unique ability to explain complex subjects in a way that makes them more understandable and fascinating.

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