17 October 2024 – Abortion – The Kaye Inquiry

Abortion – The Kaye Inquiry

Tutor/Leader: Lesley Sulley
Speaker: Alan Porter
Sunbury Football Social Club,
Behind Clarke Oval, Riddell Road, Sunbury
Thursday 10 October 2024
10:00 am – 11:45 AM
: Face to Face
: 50

Our speaker today is Alan Porter who has been a U3A member since 2004, when his wife Renate was then Treasurer.
Alan is going to talk about his experiences in The Homicide Squad and the events that led up to the Kaye Inquiry into abortion practices and police corruption, especially the investigation into a backyard abortionist, Stanley Charles Wyatt and his accomplice Elvera Isobella Moran (nee Lewis).

It is important to understand the historical context for women at this time as The contraception pill was only officially available for married women.
Only pregnant women whose lives were at risk if they birthed their baby were able to have abortions.
Alan’s talk comes at a time where women had limited choices but also changes were soon to be made giving pregnant women more options.

Alan is a past president of Sunbury U3A and has given a number of talks to the U3A Speakers Group including those about his experiences as a uniformed Victoria Police officer and detective at various ranks. Alan progressed through the ranks to chief superintendent in command of a large operational region in the northern and northwestern suburbs of Melbourne until his transfer in 1990 to a Federal agency.

Alan invites questions and audience participation, but cautions that as he has been retired for many years, his knowledge of current police issues is limited.