2 December 2024 – Reading Cinema – Heretic

Reading Cinema – Heretic

Tutor/Leader: Trev Cann
Date: Sunday 2 Dec. 2024
Reading Cinema Sunbury
Time: 11:00am – 3:00pm
: 30

Note this movie is very different from our normal movies as it is classified as a psychological horror but it asks questions and will be thought provoking.

It stars Hugh Grant playing a real baddie, very removed from his many rom-com roles.
The Plot – Two missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints arrive at the home of a reclusive Englishman.
They are invited in, start discussing religion, and then things start getting bad.

The reviews are good – “If you haven’t seen this movie yet, you really need to add it to your watchlist!
The performances are nothing short of spectacular, with Hugh Grant particularly shining as he navigates through a mountain of dialogue—his delivery is just on point.

What I found fascinating is how the film dives deep into themes of manipulation and control highlighting how easily we allow others to pull our strings, but it goes beyond that; the story is layered with complexity inviting multiple interpretations that linger long after the credits roll.

It’s brilliantly crafted and definitely worth your time”
Another review- “this movie was a philosophical debate on theology it makes you critically examine your own views and why people believe.

This movie does not make a mockery of any one religion and throws question to all religion without being offensive.

I think anyone, religious or not can enjoy the questions this movie raises”.

This is a horror film, so be prepared.
Religion is fairly central to the plot but if you don’t like questioning religion this movie is NOT for you.

We plan to go on Monday Dec 2nd, anticipating there will be a session about 11am at Readings Sunbury, with lunch afterwards at Itahlia when there should be plenty to discuss.
***Note confirmation of time will be sent closer to the date.