Tutor: Marlene Cann
Sessions: One Off
Dates: Thursday 24 Apr 2025
Time: 10:15am to 12:00pm
Venue: Sunbury Social Club
Delivery: Face to Face
Numbers: 70
Prerequisites: Nil
Our April Thursday Club speaker has been chosen in honour and remembrance of ANZAC Day which will be the following day.
Our Speaker is Dr Hugh Roberton a well known speaker, advocate and member of Legacy.
Dr Roberton graduated from Melbourne University medical school where he completed his national service commitment as a medical officer in the Australian army, including a year in Vietnam.
He trained in surgery in Melbourne and the United Kingdom and then worked in the western suburbs of Melbourne for over 30 years before retiring 13 years ago.
Dr Roberton has been a member of Melbourne Legacy for over 20 years, including two years as President.
Through his talk Dr Roberton will reflect on his service as the medical officer in a battalion based in Nui Dat, South Vietnam.
The base was close to the middle of Viet Cong territory where Australian and New Zealand soldiers operated from 1966- 1972. Dr Roberton will also discuss his work at the 100 bed Australian Field Hospital in Vung Tau.
As part of his talk Dr Roberton will discuss the formation and evolution of Legacy over the past 100 years and some of the challenges currently facing Legacy as it seeks to honour its commitment to the families of those who have given their health or their life in the service of the nation.
Please don’t miss this important and informative talk as part of honouring the lives lost due to war.
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