Tutor/Leader: Catherine Brown
Location: Sunbury Football Social Club,
Behind Clarke Oval, Riddell Road, Sunbury
Date: Thursday 31 October 2024
Time: 10:00 am – 11:45 AM
Numbers: 50
It’s time once again for Trivia fun. But this will be the last one for the year.
Hot on the heels of the tremendous turnout and enthusiastic response by our U3A Sunbury members we are back with our 4th
Fifth Thursday of the Month Trivia for this year.
Make up a table of friends, fellow course classmates or come on your own and you can join a table. There is plenty of space available. Categories and questions are varied, from multiple choice questions, to those with straight answers.
No one knows what the questions will be until they are asked, but watch out for the wording and trick questions placed just to keep us guessing and on our toes. So, bragging rights for the winning table are here again.
With our last Trivia ending with such a close finish between three tables, it can be any tables opportunity to win.
So, mark the date in your calendars and join us for a fun filled morning.
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PO Box 387
Sunbury, VIC, 3429.
Ph: 0421 604 322.
E: secretary@u3asunbury.org.au