Inspired by Women Exhibition
Tutor/Leader: Marlene Cann
Location: On arrangement
Frequency: One off
Day: Thurs 9:15am – 4:00pm
Date: 5 Dec 2024
Capacity: 22
Full Fee: $23
The actual date of this exhibition is Thursday 27th February 2025, but due to it being so close to our return for 2025 we need to finalise it this year, because payments have to be made to The Johnston Collection three weeks prior to the event.
We have previously been to the Christmas Craft Exhibition at the beautiful 1860s ”Fairhall” historic East Melbourne home which was gifted to the people of Victoria by antique dealer and collector William Robert Johnson (1911-1986) However, this time, instead of joining others, we have the home and it’s exhibits just to ourselves.
Inspired by Women celebrates the many facets of women’s lives in the 1700s and 1800s, and the often, invisible histories of women and women’s work.
Explore over 50 rarely-exhibited textiles from the historical collections of the Embroiderers Guild, Victoria displayed alongside treasures of the British and European fine and decorative arts from The Johnston Collection.
Discover the works of women artists, makers, and artisans – silversmiths, embroiderers, painters and decorators of porcelain – and uncover the intellectual and political influence of Georgian and Regency women, including collector and botanist Duchess of Portland, society hostesses Lady Melbourne and Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire and creative maker Mary Delany.
If you would like to join this event, could you please register quicky as there are only 22 places available.
For those interested we will arrange a lunch prior to visiting ‘Fairhall’ and lunch and travel details will follow shortly.
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