7 November 2024 – Chin Chin Lavender Farm – near Macedon

Chin Chin Lavender Farm

Tutor/Leader: Lesley Sulley
Speaker: Sonia Whiteman
Sunbury Football Social Club,
Behind Clarke Oval, Riddell Road, Sunbury
Thursday 12 September 2024
10:00 am – 11:45 AM
: Face to Face
: 50

Our speaker today is Sonia Whiteman. She is going to talk with us about Chin Chin Farm located in Chintin. It is a mixed farming enterprise producing lavender, honey and bush food products.

The farm has over 15,000 food-grade lavender plants, together with native bushland keeping their apiary of honey bees (and sheep) very happy!
This will be a most interesting morning as Sonia talks with us about managing the farm in a way that is conducive and enriching to the local environment, ensuring harmony between all aspects of care from looking after the soil, land remediation etc.

Be sure not miss this great opportunity to hear about one of progressive local farms.