Sustainability – Circular Economy
Guest Speaker: Debbie Rovere
Tutor/Leader: Marlene Cann
Location: Sunbury Football Social Club,
Behind Clarke Oval, Riddell Road, Sunbury
Date: Thursday 9 May 2024
Time: 10:00 am – 11:45 AM
Delivery: Face to Face
Numbers: 50
Today we welcome Debbie Rovere an Education Manager for Greening Australia who works passionately to lead, inform, educate and encourage statewide action on sustainability and the environment.
As part of this Debbie is going to talk about a recent Victorian Government launch that plans to lead Australia into a “Circular Economy”.
This is a radical shift from the normal business model which is necessary taking into consideration climate change, our ever increasing need to purchase consumer goods and our dwindling biodiversity loss.
The focus of change to our economy being on sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible.
Come and hear how you can make a change to our environment by living more sustainably through incorporating some of these shifts in our economy.