Tutor: Anita Blade, Leigh Martin
Sessions: weekly all year
Dates: Tuesday 4 Feb to 9 Dec 2025
Time: 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Venue: Meeting Room 3, Hume Global Learning centre, Sunbury
Numbers: 20
Mah-jong is a game that originated in China, commonly played with 4 players (some 3 player variations).
Mah-jong is a game of skill, strategy and calculation with a degree of chance involved. Chinese Mah Jong is played with Chinese tiles – no identifying western letters and numbers.
The group will meet in the front room in the Senior Citizens Centre.
A knowledge of Chinese Mah Jong is required for this group. However, if you wish to learn the intricacies of this fascinating game, please contact Leigh on 0412 660 702.
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Sunbury, VIC, 3429.
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