Tutor: Jill Dyson
Sessions: Weekly
Dates: Tuesdays 28 Jan to 1 Apr 2025
Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm
Venue: Dulap Wilim Hub Meeting Room Leichardt St Sunbury
Delivery: Face to Face
Numbers: 12
Prerequisites: Nil
This group runs weekly during school terms, though not everyone can make it every week, and that’s ok!
We cover basic French grammar, pronunciation and phrases suitable for travellers – topics such as introductions, family, eating and drinking, getting about etc.
We use the book ’15 Minute French’ & supplement this with extra grammatical notes & oral exercises.
As this is the second year of this course, priority will be given to those who attended in 2024 (chapters 1-6).
Others with appropriate experience may be able to join the class if space permits. No classes Term 2. Second half year tbc.
Please discuss your experience with the group leader Jill on 0413004546 before enrolling.
Joining as a New Member Online
Renewing your Membership Online
Joining or Renewing by Form
Membership Agreement and Code of Conduct
PO Box 387
Sunbury, VIC, 3429.
Ph: 0421 604 322.
E: secretary@u3asunbury.org.au