
Tutor: Flora McCann
: 5
: Tuesdays 1 Feb 22 to 28 Feb 22
: 10:00am to 12:00pm
: SFSC Boardroom
: Face to Face
: 10


This course will provide a discussion about the importance of understanding cultural diversity and multiculturalism. We will also discuss the traditional and contemporary lives of the First Nations of Australia and the challenges they face in society. Topics will include: * cultural sensitivity & cultural competence * cross-cultural communication * subcultures and social inclusion * ethnicity, race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, disabilities etc. Multiculturalism will be defined and we will examine its role in the social, political and economic fabric in Australian society. Furthermore, the benefits and challenges of multiculturalism will be explored.
The course leader, Flora McCann studied Diploma in Aboriginal Studies, Master in Social Science (major in Social and Cultural theory) Master in Educational Studies at Newcastle Uni as a mature student. Taught Multicultural Studies in the Dept. of Education Cultural Officer of Newcastle Uni Multicultural Coordinator of United Nation Association of Australia (Hunter Branch) Adviser to Newcastle Echo Village (where the essence of the East and the West met).

Please note this is a face to face course and only those members who have been fully vaccinated and have had their vaccination certificate sighted by U3A Sunbury can attend. You will be waitlisted for all courses until your COVID vaccination status has been sighted.