Tutor: Jo Pace and Gillian Hume
Sessions: All Year
Days: 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month
Dates: 31 Jan 22 to 12 Dec 22
Time: 10:00am to 12:00
Venue: Sunbury Social Club Footy Club, Behind Clarke Oval, Riddell Rd, SUNBURY
Delivery: Face to Face
Numbers: 12
Prerequisites: Nil
The content of this course is driven primarily by the interests of the participants. We invite members to nominate a topic relating to the environment and to share their knowledge and passion with the group. Topics may include propagating plants, composting, worm farms, creating habitat for wildlife, minimising waste, environmentally friendly cleaning tips, keeping bees, Citizen Science, or your love of frogs! Once a month, we also hope to meet at one of Sunbury’s beautiful parks or wetlands to explore the flora and fauna and contribute our findings to a Citizen Science project