Beautiful Zentangling- Pen and Ink Draw

Tutor: Christine Weisz

Venue: Senior Citizens Hall,
8 O’Shanassy St SUNBURY
Frequency: wk1 & wk3

Day: 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month
Dates: 5 October 2023 – 7 Dec 2023

Time: 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Delivery: Face to Face
Maximum enrolments: 15

Prerequisites: See below list in text.

The ‘Zentangle’ Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. These patterns are called tangles.
Tangles are created with a combinations of dots, lines, simple curves, S-curves and orbs.
The patterns will be taught in 2-3 stages. Students will learn how to draw the ‘tangles’ and use these to make their own pictures and develop their own zentangling styles.
Christine will use a variety of books and drawings to demonstrate the techniques.   Christine, our tutor, is a member of Sunbury Art Society and  has displayed her work for 8 or more years in Sunbury and with the Woodend Art group. She has also taught Zentangling at Dromkeen in 2022,and as Part of our Art for Fun Group in 2019.

Participants will need to provide the following equipment.
1. Black 0.3 fineliner permanent pen.(Officeworks, brand Stabilo, or Micron or Unipin ( also in a 5 pack of different sizes)
2. A4 photocopy paper.
3. Lead black pencil.
4. Ruler and eraser.
You can also try the Sunbury Art store, behind Lincraft 0.4 pens are $3-$4