Tutor/Leader: Robert Irvine
Topic: Discovering Sunbury Wildlife
Location: Sunbury Social Club Footy club Behind Clarke Oval Riddell Rd SUNBURY
Day: Wednesdays, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Dates: 1 Feb 2023 – 3 March 2023
This course includes half classroom, half day field trips looking at the history of Sunbury fauna including Platypus, Microbats, Sugar Gliders, frogs and feral pests.
We will also use Robert’s published research papers about The Organ Pipes National Park as well as current capture release studies to compare to pre European native animals.
It Includes night walks, canoeing (byo canoe) in Jacksons Creek, off track walking, frog call recording, (anything else interesting) all within 5km of Sunbury.
Participants show & tell of your local findings, sharing your knowledge. (experts welcome) Robert Irvine has been a member of Friends Of Organ Pipes National Park 35 years.
Robert has also been involved in: -Sugar Glider relocation at OPNP over 30 years -Microbat banding project 25 years -Platypus capture release with Melbourne water contractors. He is also a published author of three scientific papers, cited multiple times in science journals. All round good bloke!!
***Please note this is a face-to-face course and only those members who have been fully vaccinated and have had their vaccination certificate sighted by U3A Sunbury can attend.
New members to Sunbury U3A must present their COVID vaccination certificate at the first class.
Good physical condition if participating in off track field trips. Pre reading required on Taxonomy (species names) Historical papers: Isaac Batey Fauna. eDNA