13 October 2022 -Marina Mafani

Guest Speaker: Marin Mafani
Tudor/Leader: Marlene Cann
Date: 13 October 2022
: Thursday, 9:45 am – 11:45 am
Sunbury Football Social Club, Behind Clarke Oval Riddell Road Sunbury
: Face to Face
: 40

Marina is in charge of Sunbury Global Learning Centre. She trained as a librarian and has been working at The Global Learning Centre for 12 months, prior to that she worked in a high school library and before then she worked as the editor for World Vision.
The library has certainly changed since Marina came. Marina believes that a library should be about community and welcoming people, a place where people get together to share experiences and opportunities.
Come and hear all that the library has to offer and what is available as part of their Summer Programme and much much more.

Did you know that the library also has Guest Speakers, crafts and weekend board games it is not just about books any more.
Everyone is welcome.

**Note this event is only open to those members who have been fully vaccinated as this is a requirement of not only U3A Sunbury but also The Sunbury Social Club where the event will be taking place.