Tutor: Phil O’Donnell
Tutor 2: Bernadette Young
Sessions: One Off
Dates: Thursday 20 Mar 2025
Time: 10:15am to 12:00pm
Venue: Sunbury Social Club
Numbers: 50
Prerequisites: Nil
Are you interested in travelling?
Have you been to or would like to go to some amazing places? Where do you start?
What do you need to know?
How do you plan the trip?
What do you have to think about?
Come along and join in the conversation and gather some ideas on the steps involved in planning a holiday, whether it is a road trip, trains, local or oversees travel.
Share some experiences of your travels.
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PO Box 387
Sunbury, VIC, 3429.
Ph: 0421 604 322.
E: secretary@u3asunbury.org.au