Over the past two years U3A Sunbury has made an effort to reach all of its members via Zoom. On the whole this was very successful with over 15 course delivered and many guest speakers made available. These ranged from languages to science, and literature to, of all things, dancing (well done to that team).
U3A Sunbury are aware that there are members who wish Zoom to be continued, and see no reason not to include Zoom going forward.
U3A Sunbury will be aiming to deliver dedicated Zoom courses and speakers, as well as courses with the option of either Zoom or Face to Face.
This page has been developed with the aim of informing our Zoom fans of what is available all in one place. It will be updated, as required, as we start to focus on the other semesters and as new Zoom courses or Zoom speakers become available. So come back once in a while.
Each of the listings below is a live link to take you to the place where you can find out detailed information. The links on the right will take you to your member login page or a signing up page.
If you have not used Zoom before then scroll to the bottom of this page for instructions on how to use, or get help using, Zoom.
Semester 2
Astronomy and the Cosmos (via zoom) Part of Beyond Earth
Semesters 3 and 4
Astronomy and the Cosmos (via zoom) aka Beyond Earth
Hume Libraries Bookends Book Group(via zoom)
French for Beginners (via Zoom)
French Conversation (via zoom)
The Happy Bookers Book Club (via Zoom)
How to download and use Zoom
Zoom is a free application. Any mention of plans and pricing can be ignored as they are for commercial users and organisations.
Click on this link, https://zoom.us/download. This will launch the download page. Click on the download button. The application will download.
Once downloaded you can :
1: click on the Zoominstaller.exe icon that has appeared at the lower left of your screen, or:
2: Go to where your files usually download and double click on the file named Zoominstaller.exe
Zoom will now install, just follow the usual prompts to complete the installation.
Once you have enrolled in a course using Zoom, your course leader or tutor will email you a link for that specific course.
Five minutes before the course is scheduled to commence, simply click on the link you were sent. Zoom will start up and connect you to the course presenter.