Tutor: Phil O’Donnell
Sessions: One Off
Dates: Thursday 6 Mar 2025
Time: 10:15am to 12:00pm
Venue: Sunbury Social Club
Delivery: Face to Face
Numbers: 50
Prerequisites: Nil
Today we will be joined by Jarrod Bell, a previous Councillor of Jackson Hill ward who was, on the 19th November 2024 voted Hume City Council Mayor.
Jarrod attended the Sunbury West Primary School and then the Sunbury Downs College, he also volunteered as a Scout Leader and the Sunbury SES. Then being inspired by dedication to service by his grandfather who served in WW2, Jarrod was elected in 2020 to the Hume City Council where he became a very vocal advocate for residents of Sunbury.
Jarrod wants to use his term encouraging cohesive decision making within the new council group, whilst at the same time use the collective voice to advocate for the service needs of the community.
Since Hume is estimated to have a growth of 500.00 residents by 2051, Jarrod also wants to give particular attention to those areas that is likely to attract this growth.
Looking to the year ahead Jarrod’s key priorities are to:
Jarrod wants to hit the ground running so here is your opportunity not only to hear what are the future plans for Sunbury but also as a resident to provide him with feedback and ideas about any changes or improvements in the infrastructure.
Note, U3A Sunbury needs the goodwill and voice of our council members to advocate on our behalf for financial support and urgent accommodation needs, so whilst it is important that you share your passions and ideas, please be respectful.
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PO Box 387
Sunbury, VIC, 3429.
Ph: 0421 604 322.
E: secretary@u3asunbury.org.au