1 September – 4 Winds Cambodia Project

Guest Speaker: Kaye Taylor-Law
Tudor/Leader: Ena Ahern
: 1 Sep 2022
: Thursday, 9:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Sunbury Social Club Footy club
Behind Clarke Oval Riddell Rd
: Face to Face
: 50

Kaye has a long history of nursing overseas in Papua New Guinea and the 1990s returned to Sunbury where she worked at the Sunbury Community Health Centre running Adult Activity Groups. In 2004 she visited Cambodia and that trip started her visiting annually, becoming an Ambassador for the 4 Winds Cambodia Project which is a community development project assisting a small village of 3000 people. The project was started by Mr Moore a midwife and nurse from Sunbury who sold his Diggers Rest home to build a school and to help the village overcome poverty.

The village now has a health clinic, another school and an orphanage.
The people once subsistence rice farmers now have access to community vegetable gardens, orchards and fish ponds.
Assistance is also given to 15 orphans and many disabled people in the community.

Kaye who is a member of the Sunbury Arts Society, makes hand made glass artwork which she sells and donates the funds towards the 4 Winds Cambodia Project. Kaye will bring some of her glass artwork and cards to sell on the day so that monies raised will also assist the community.

Please come and listen to the great work that members of our community are achieving.