We offer a range of Face to Face and Zoom courses and activities and we are always adding new ones.
For further details, please hover over, then click on, any of our courses and activities below. When you are ready to enrol in any of our courses or activities, just go through your member login to the Courses page.
If you have a hobby or interest you’d like to share, we would love to hear from you! We can help you become a group leader to facilitate a new group. Please contact our Courses Coordinator by email at courses@u3asunbury.org.au
Arts and Entertainment
The Arts – We arrange visits to musicals, galleries as well as live theatre as appropriate. All members are welcome. Check the Events and Outings page on our website for details. Group Leader: M.Cann
Cinema Club – by arrangement. We meet at Sunbury Readings Cinema or take a train trip to a city cinema whenever there is a movie that members would like to see. All members are welcome. Afterwards, we have a meal nearby.
The aim is to enjoy each other’s company, see a good movie and spend time discussing it. Check the Events and Outings page on our website for details. Group leaders: M & T Cann.
Guest Speakers
1st, 2nd & 3rd Thursdays 10:00 – 11:45am at the Sunbury Footy Club. An interesting variety of Speakers are invited to address the group, to share their knowledge, thoughts and expertise. We have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss chosen topics and chat over morning tea with new and old friends. Visit the Guest Speaker page for more information.
For further details, please hover over, then click on, any of our courses and activities below.
Creative Arts
Art for Fun
Craft for the Crafty
Card Making
Christmas Decorations Workshop
Family History
Around the World in 80 Heritage Sites
History of Women – Property to Partner
Language – Learning and Conversation
French Intermediate
French for Beginners (Yr 2)
French Conversation
French New Beginners
Literature – Books and Writing
The Happy Bookers Book Club
Hume Libraries Bookends Book Group (online via zoom)
Biography Book Club (online)
Social and Special Events
Events, Guest Speakers and Outings
Games – Board, Card, Word, etc.
Chinese Mah-Jong (Tuesdays)
Chinese Mah–Jong (Thursdays)
500 Cards
Jigsaw Group
Activities involving physical exercise
Ballroom and New Vogue Dancing
Healing Yoga
Healing Yoga – Group 2
Square Dancing
Wednesday Walkers
Health and Wellbeing
Armchair Travel
Human Anatomy
October Sunday Train Trips
November Sunday Train Trips
December Sunday Train Trips
Science Technology Environment and Math
Environmental Field Trips
The Incredible Webb Space Telescope
Tackling Technology Together
are available to all members and whilst usually on the 4th Thursday of the month, they can happen on other days of the week by necessity. Outings are at members’ own expense and require confirmation of attendance. Once a term we aim to arrange an Arts outing depending on availability.