Tutor/Leader: Marlene Cann
Location: 56 Smith Street Macedon
Day: Sunday 12.00pm – 4.00pm
Date: 20 August 2023
Capacity: 15
Full Fee: $25.00
Another season has come around and with it brings a new production from the Macedon Mount Players called The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Again a comedy.
“37 Plays in 97 minutes and with only 3 actors.
What could possibly go wrong” Come and see the fast paced romp through all of Shakespeare’s plays, which will leave you in stitches.
The Mount Players joins FizWack Theatre to bring you a show that takes those long, sometimes tedious and serious subjects and condenses them down to a time of frivolity.
Addition Information:
Since this is a shared and shorten production, in that it only runs for 10 days we have only asked for 15 tickets to give other theatre goers a chance to get tickets. We will however try and get more tickets for the matinee on the 20th August if extra tickets are needed.
Because of the restricted tickets they will only be initially offered to our regular theatre group.
Please if you are interested in joining us could you register as soon as possible.
For those interested we will lunch at Macedon Lounge at 12oclock. Otherwise we will see you at the theatre at around 1.30pm for a 2.00pm start.
***As this is a face to face Events participants must be fully vaccinated and their vaccination certificate sighted by leaders at U3A Sunbury.