Tutor/Leader: Beris Cook
Tudor 2: Ena Ahern
Location: Sunbury Station
Day: Thursday, 8:50 AM – 3:30 PM
Date: 27 October 2022
Capacity: 25
Fee: $30
Come and join us for a day with a difference.
Did you know that in the early 1900s Fitzroy was the only area in Melbourne considered so dangerous that police were directed to work in twos after dark.
Shortly after WW1 Melbourne’s criminal community was split into two rival factions sparking Australia’s ever gang war – The Fitzroy Vendetta.
The Fitzroy Crime Tour takes you on a journey from the suburb’s wealthy beginnings through to the heights of the gang war and its repercussions. Tour guide Michael Shelford shares insights gathered from original police files as he takes you , past former brothels, sly grog shops and crime dens of the era.
You are also provided with a 32 page booklet which puts faces to the characters featured.
Our Melbourne Crimes Tour was so popular we were going to do the Fitzroy next but Covid19 got in the way. Now is your opportunity.
We meet at Sunbury Station at 8.50am to catch the 9.11am V/Line Train then catch the No35 tram just outside of the Southern Cross Station. After a 5 mins short walk we arrive with 15 minutes to spare for the tour which starts at 10.30am. We will be having lunch after the tour at a local pub.