Tudor/ Leader: Trevor Cann
Day: Friday, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Date: 28 July 2023
Location: 95A Evans Street, Sunbury
Capacity: 25
After a very enjoyable and popular End of Term Lunch at Sugargum Hotel in Hillside, for July its time for our Dining Out to visit a Local restaurant. In the spirit of going somewhere different each time, we have booked tables at Ma’s Thai Restaurant in 95A Evans St on Friday July 28th at 6:30pm. Please register on UMAS asap or call Trev or Marlene on 97444848 if you would prefer
IMPORTANT NOTES: Ma’s is on the second floor. The only access is via a straight 16 step staircase which could cause some issues for some members and for that we apologise.
Also in order to avoid the problem with split bills we have been told if we could give our name when ordering, we can then pay individually. Just in case this doesn’t happen it would be wise to bring cash on the night anyway.
If you have suggestions for future Dining Outs, either in Sunbury or further afield, please let Trev know.
***Please note that this is a face to face outing and so only members who are fully vaccinated can attend.