Guest Speaker: Bruno Lettieri
Tudor/Leader: Marlene Cann
Date: 4 August 2022
Day: Thursday, 9:45 am – 11:45 am
Location: Sunbury Football Social Club, Behind Clarke Oval Riddell Road Sunbury
Delivery: Face to Face
Numbers: 40
Many of you might remember Bruno as a teacher at Salesian College here in Sunbury.
Bruno has always had a love of people, teaching, writing and bringing people together in the community. From that love came The Twilight School where he welcomed the Sunbury community to listen to the “conversations” of old and new Australian writers and afterwards to talk with other eager minded community members over a glass of wine.
After his retirement Bruno extended his passion and created “Bruno goes Everywhere” introducing to a wider audience his love of connection with people, books, writing, writers, and from there the important conversations about life.
Come and join with us to hear all about the amazing people that Bruno has meet throughout his community networking, but more importantly hear all about what is important to Bruno about his life and life in general. Bruno is a truly kind and generous man who has the ability to open up to people and to make them feel safe. Please come and join us for this very special reunion. He has the ability to brighten your day and make you think about what is important in your life.
***Note this event is only open to those members who have been fully vaccinated as this is a requirement of not only U3A Sunbury but also The Sunbury Social Club where the event will be taking place.