Guest Speaker:….Councillor Carly Moore
Tudor/Leader: Marlene Cann
Date: ….5 May 2022
Day: ……Thursday, 9:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Venue: ..Sunbury Football Social Club, Behind Clarke Oval, Riddell, Sunbury
Delivery: Face to Face
Numbers: ……40
Please make welcome, Councillor Carly Moore, the Mayor of Hume City Council. Carly will be joining us to talk about her role as Mayor and also about Senior Programs, Polices and issues in the city of Hume. Carly is a wife and mother and a very dedicated Mayor, a position she has held 3 out of the past four years. Come and hear her speak of her aspirations for Seniors in Hume and any possible changes coming to our Sunbury community.
***Note this event is only open to those members who have been fully vaccinated as this is a requirement of not only U3A Sunbury but also The Sunbury Social Club where the event will be taking place.