12 September 2024 – Guest Speakers 2025 – What Now

Guest Speakers 2025 – What Now?

Tutor/Leader: Leigh Martin
Tutor/ 2: Burnadette Young
Sunbury Football Social Club,
Behind Clarke Oval, Riddell Road, Sunbury
Thursday 12 September 2024
10:00 am – 11:45 AM
: Face to Face
: 50

We need your help! After 8 years of having 3 Guest Speakers a month, in 2025 things will change.

How would you like Thursday mornings to continue? What format and content, the choice is yours? Come and join us to evaluate the past, but more importantly what do you want for the future?

Some suggestions have been, less Guest Speakers but to include current affairs, discussion of relevant topics. coffee mornings, TED talks, introductions of up coming new courses, podcasts…. This isn’t a challenge it is an opportunity. Let’s make it happen!

Whatever you decide there will be support, assistance and guidance. Sharing a new vision can be fun. Once we never had an events groups with outings but look at us now…..

The important part is that Guest Speakers, in some format has always been a part of U3A Sunbury U3A.It is quite rare for most U3As. It provides an opportunity to gather together, to meet with friends and for new members to make new friends.