History of World Trade Fairs

Tutor: Peter Coates
: wkly
Day: Tuesday
Dates: 3 Oct – 5 Dec 2023
Time: 10:00am to 12:00am
: DWH Multi
: Face to Face
: 10

World Trade Fairs have captured the imagination of people since 1851 when London’s Crystal Palace was opened to the world.
This course will discuss the history of the 37 World Trade Fairs and their changing styles and features.

This is a continuation of the term 3 subject and will pick up the San Francisco fair from 1915. It will cover such topics as the changes in: Technology and Science, Architecture, The Arts, Landscaping, Colonialism and Cost and Profit.

It will also present contemporaneous background material and some of the strange happenings that have become part of the fascination for them.